Every seed matters. Every child matters. To learn and to teach beyond the binary models that imprison us mentally we simply need to feel.
Higher consciousness. Conscientious learning and teaching practices with profound inner dialogues with the spirits of Water, Fire, Earth, and Fire.
Everything is connected. No one and nothing is above ancestral seeds. The essence of weaving with respect regenerates and restores ecosystems.
A snail is a living echo of wise ancestral voices. Are you listening?
To love as a living principle is a responsibility, a living offering that impacts how we show up in collective spaces - it is hope materialized in the environment.
When was the last time you spoke feeling rather than thinking? Are you brave enough to defy gravity by removing the barriers that disconnect the head from the rest of the body?
It takes 12 bees their entire lifetime to make just one teaspoon of honey. How do you sustain life for others?