Winter 2025 Lecture Series:

who are we without the land?

من نحن بدون الارض

¿Quiénes somos sin La Tierra?

SEEDS for Change Learning Without Borders

The Learning Without Borders Initiative has served as a global, collaborative teaching and learning space since winter 2020. Every session is rooted in the Seven Teaching Principles of the Anishinabek people, guiding the interdisciplinary exploration of co-learners from diverse backgrounds. Central questions arising from this work provide a framework for examining our relationships, responsibilities, and accountability, as well as our connections to the land, the body, and each other. These include: “Who are you without colonialism?” “Who are you without patriarchy?” “How do you read beyond the binary?” “Where is colonialism located in your body?” “How do you write beyond the binary?” and “How do you read math?”

As stewards of Ancestral Knowledge, the initiative integrates radical, innovative, and transformative learning approaches rooted in traditions predating recorded history. Past courses in this series have included Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto: Anti-Discriminatory Education, Settler Colonialism and Pedagogies of Liberation, Indigenous Experiences of Racism in Canada, and Decolonization in Education, Popular Education, and Social Action.

This work has been made possible through collaboration with numerous partners, including the Center for Studies on Sustainable Luxury and the Sustainable Textile Center in Argentina, DISE Collective, the Department of Modern Languages at Mount Allison University, the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (OISE), the Global Classroom at the University of Toronto, the bell hooks Center at Berea College, the Carousel Collective, Framingham State University, Unboxing Accessibility, University of Management and Technology Pakistan, Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Toronto Scarborough, the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies at RMIT University, the Bilingual & Literacy Studies Department, the Mexican American Studies Program at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, the Indigenous Educational Research Centre, the Deepening Knowledge Project (OISE), and York University.

Join us for the Winter 2025 Lecture Series titled "Who are we without the Land?" presented in collaboration with the Global Classrooms Initiative at the University of Toronto. Professors Katherine Blouin and Girish Daswani from ANTC58H3/HISC68H3/CLAAC68H3 will delve into the theme of "Constructing the Other: Orientalism through Time and Place."

Deepen your understanding on the essential perspectives of Land and Water defenders in the face of global challenges, spanning from Mapuche Territories to Palestine. These crucial discussions seek to empower, unify, and amplify narratives of Resilience and Hope. The lectures will include translations in Spanish-English and Arabic-English.

To Register:

Radical Poetic Pedagogies

December 9, 2020

Learning Without Borders Guest Speakers 2020-2024